Martin is a maritime expert for ports, terminal operations, shipping and logistics with 30+ years of experience in the industry. Martin served in the merchant navy and worked for shipping lines and terminal operators
before getting into management consultancy. With a BSc (Engg) from Rotterdam Institute of Technology in Maritime Science; a navigation degree for seagoing ships; and a Post-Graduate course in ‘Analyse, Understand
& Construct’ (BPR) from TSM Business School, Martin steers our Maritime Business from Netherlands.
Lincoln Convocation will be held on 29th of January, 2022 at Kathmandu
Offered BIT(Hons) Programs
BIT(HONS) is a 3 year, 6-semester, 129-credit program aims to provide the fundamentals information
technology, methodological and implementation issues of IT-related subjects.
Current know how
High Labour Market Value
Meeting with industry leaders
Offered BHM Programs
The Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Hospitality Management program offers knowledge and competencies, to
students, who have chosen a career in this service industry.